2nd Jun 2023
This is the eleventh issue of the Global Campus Human Rights Journal. It consists of eight articles resulting from a special cooperation with the GC Human Rights Preparedness Blog which has provided a valuable platform for innovative and inclusive conversations within the Global Campus network and beyond. In this regard, this blog generally invites contributors to explain the ways in which protecting, respecting and fulfilling human rights is vital in meeting the challenges of pandemics and other emergencies, or to imagine how human rights could be better prepared for such challenges in view of where, how and why human rights have failed or done less well than anticipated. Seven articles are based on shorter contributions previously published by Global Campus alumni acting as regional correspondents for the aforementioned blog after having been trained by Rosie Cowan, a member of the blog editorial team. The eighth article is written by the lead editor of the blog. All these articles provide insights into different topics from a rights-based approach taking into account that there are lessons to be learned from the past and preparations that can be made for the future.